Privacy statement

We are delighted that you are interested in our home page and our company. The protection of your personal data during their collection, processing and use when you visit our home page is a serious matter for us. Your data are protected in accordance with legal provisions. The following information describes what data are collected during your visit and how they are used.

What data are collected?

Every access to our home page and every retrieval of files that are made available there are recorded (so-called server log files). The access data include the IP address and the accessing computer, the quantity of transferred data, type and release of browser, user’s operating system, name of the accessed website and the referrer URL (the previously visited site.

We use these protocol data solely for statistical analyses for the purpose of operation, security and optimisation of the website. The data are subsequently erased in an automated procedure.

More extensive personal data such as your name and email address are captured solely if the information is provided voluntarily.


When our home page is accessed, one or more cookies are stored on the accessing computer. Most web browsers accept cookies automatically. Browser settings can be changed to prevent the storage of cookies completely, to restrict storage to cookies from specific websites or to notify the user whenever a cookie is stored. Cookies can also be erased from the computer’s hard drive at any time by using the privacy functions of the browser.

Use and transfer of personal data

Whenever personal data are made available to us, we use them solely for the intended purposes, for the technical administration of our home page and for the evaluation of the quality of our services.

We do not transfer personal data to third parties unless we are instructed to do so or the transfer is required by legal statutes.

Right of access

Information regarding the personal data relating to a specific person that we have stored can be obtained by submission of a request to this effect. In addition, there is a right to rectification of inaccurate data and to blocking and erasure of personal data, provided that statutory retention periods do not require otherwise.

Stay informed

Possible modifications of our privacy statement (e.g. as a consequence of new technical developments or changes in statutory requirements) are published on our home page. We recommend that you read this page from time to time.